
migrating Forté 4GL TOOL source code

source code

... the easy not part ...

a method’s original source code is available in a ‘meta’ instance of internal Forté class called qqc4_Method

always better than parsing the Workspace export, it is possible to traverse the user’s plans in the workspace and generating txt files for every class traversed.

and the source in the watches

but still tedious since the source code has to be parsed by hand.

there might be a way out of this, a qqc4_Method when parsed & “compiled” using ‘Shift + Ctrl + C’ gives birth to a qqrt_IRBlock that can be seen in the log window when the flag trc:c4:3-5:10 is turned on and ‘Shift+Ctrl+C’ pressed on a compilable entity.

it spews
a bunch of object types & IDs
a bunch of Vars, Strings
a stream of assembly like commands

how to work out IDs? IDs are (a, b) ‘a’ being the plan ID and ‘b’ the class ID in that plan
see MS Access DB
this table also contains the Method, Attribute ... IDs for a given class.

the header can be read with that table

the IR instructions are listed
here next to the “mnemonic” code is the instruction name and the list of parameters. going down there is a mention made of a future ‘R4’ ... this day may never come.

at that point there is a way to generate a bunch of instructions based on that.

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