
internal Code storage __ qqrt_IRBlock

qqrt_IRBlock : how to get access to its attributes.

qqrt_IRBlock shows many attributes defined as pointers the good old $TOOCOMPLEX type.
unfortunately Forté as a 4GL does not allow you to set the pointee of a pointer, so just set pointer to the qqrt_IRBlock you want to inspect and load it in a BinaryData ... read at the requested offset something like

to get the list of pointer attributes

ptrIRB : pointer to char;
ptrIRB = (pointer to char)((pointer)(my_qqrtIRBlock));
myMemStream : MemoryStream;
myMemStream = new();
myMemStream.Open(SP_AM_READ_WRITE, TRUE);
myMemStream.UseData(ptrIRB, ClassType(qqrt_IRBlock).Size);

an Object is a pointer but the MemoryStream to be set requires a pointer to char ... so be it!

extracting the value of lets say qqrt_IRBlock. DoubleArray

linkedArray : BinaryData = new();
if my_qqrtIRBlock.DoubleCount > 0 then
voidBinaryData : BinaryData = new();
myMemStream.OffSet = 0x48;
myMemStream.ReadBinary(voidBinaryData, 4);
linkedArray.SetValue((pointer)(*(pointer to pointer)(voidBinaryData.Value)), my_qqrtIRBlock.DoubleCount * 8);

BinaryData.Value is a pointer but we need to be able to read what is pointed as a pointer hence the silly recast (pointer to pointer) and the de-referencing and again the recast as (pointer)

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