
hidden plans in Forte 4GL (UDS)

starting the IDE in a standard and supported manner keeps many plans hidden. but opening the empty development repository that is btseed.btd with vi or notepad reveals a couple of intriguing names ... TOOLCompiler, TOOLInterpreter, Configuration & BTree mixed with others like Framework & Display.

fortunately fscript allows us to drag in qqAllForteProjects that in turn drags all the previous named plans but AppModel & BTreeRepository.

once all the plans are there and we can freely search them, there are a couple of classes prefixed with qqxx_ that look interesting

the next thing is run the ftexec -fi bt:$FORTE_ROOT/yadihadiha through the debugger to see where are the qq classes are being used. in this the luck is with us ; the dev version of the runtime has been compiled with the (-g or /Zi) so all the method names, even not exported are readable, plus the assembly code is piece of cake to read since there is not any optimisation so all the parameters are pushed on the stack (x86) (UltraSPARC all but the first 5 that are registers)

and soon enough a workspace can be opened using the IDE ... and browsed.

same thing for the application’s btd.

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